
Unlocking The Power of Data Digitalising Processes, Connecting Ecosystems, Driving Agile Innovation

Direc-Tec is focused on helping organisations to leverage digitalisation and data to drive greater agility, productivity and growth. We believe that data is the new lifeblood of every organisation. Our role is to ensure that this pumps around every part of your business and can help you to make more informed decisions, drive innovation, improve efficiency and better serve your customers.

We do this by understanding your organisation, your processes and what is holding you back.

We’re masters at understanding data, so can quickly identify how this can be better utilised to streamline workflows, drive collaboration and deliver actionable insights.

In essence, we unlock the power of your data and enable you to not only do the things you do better, but to do things you did not believe were possible.

Let us explain.

Turning Data into Actionable Insights

You have all the data you need however this is locked away in multiple systems across your organisation. You can see parts of the puzzle but have no way of seeing the whole picture, let alone gain those valuable insights that enable you to make faster and more informed decisions.

We help you to piece together the jigsaw – connecting your fragmented data into a single source of the truth. Visualising information, pushing insights to those who need them and enabling you to drill down on what is important to you.

Streamlining Processes & The Flow Of Data

Often our processes are restricted by the systems we use. The fact that different pieces of data need to be entered into different systems can extend processes and make the flow disjointed; having to access different systems to gain the information we need to progress a workflow can hinder productivity.

We help you to think outside of the box, the box being your current systems. We help you define how the process should work ‘in the perfect world’ to be most effective. We create this perfect world, an intuitive interface onto your desired process and take care of the tricky bits of pushing and pulling data from all of the legacy systems and ensuring integrity.

Enabling Digital Collaboration

Today effective collaborations and consortiums are the ones that not only share ideas but seamlessly and digitally share information. When everyone is working off the same data points, the same designs and the same specifications – things happen faster and more effectively.

We have a knack of making data and information accessible, creating information hubs and portals that can span across functions and companies to enable effective collaboration. By creating a collaboration layer across your existing systems, we allow for information to be shared, discussions to be tracked and ideas to be created faster without changing or compromising the security of your underlying systems.